Full list of peer-reviewed journal articles can also be seen in GoogleScholar, ResearchGate or ORCID.

Ye Q, Liu Q, Swamy D, Gao L, Moallemi EA, Rydzak F, Eker S. (2024) FeliX 2.0: An integrated model of climate, economy, environment, and society interactions. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2024 Jun 14:106121.

Eker S, Lenton T M, Powell T, Scheffran J, Smith SR, Swamy D, Zimm C (2024) Cross-system interactions for positive tipping cascades. Earth System Dynamics. 2024 Jun 19;15(3):789-800.

Eker S, Wilson C, Hohne N, McCaffrey M, Monaterelo I, Niamir L, Zimm C. (2024) Harnessing social tipping dynamics: A systems approach for accelerating decarbonization. One Earth. 2024 Jun 21;7(6):976-88.

Liu Q, Yang J, Gao L, Dong Y, Guo Z, Moallemi E, Eker S & Obersteiner M. (2023). Robust sensitivity analysis to uncertainties in environmental and socio-economic scenarios: A perspective from a global socio-ecological system model. Journal of Cleaner Production 410, 137244.

Eker S, Mastrucci A, Pachauri S, van Ruijven B. (2023). Social media data shed light on air-conditioning interest of heat-vulnerable regions and sociodemographic groups. One Earth 6(4) 428-440.

da Silva CFA, Virguez E, Eker S, Zdenek CN, et al. (2023) The future of scientific societies. Science 380, 30-32 (Letter)

Crabolu G, Font X, Eker S. (2023) Evaluating Policy Instrument Complexity With Causal Loop Diagrams. Annals of Tourism Research, 100.

Liu Q, Gao L, Guo Z, Moallemi E, Eker S, Yang J, Obersteiner M, Bryan B (2023). Robust strategies to end global poverty and reduce environmental pressures, One Earth 6(4) 392-408.

Kwenda PR, Lagerwall G, Eker S , & van Ruijven B (2022). A Mini-Review on the Causes of Poor Household Solid Waste Management in Low-income Developing Countries: a Case Study of Urban Harare City, Zimbabwe The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 48(3), pp. 375-388.

Kwenda PR, Lagerwall G, Eker S , & van Ruijven B (2022). Identifying the Leverage Points in the Household Solid Waste Management System for Harare, Zimbabwe, Using Network Analysis Techniques Sustainability, 14(19), 12405.

Li Q, Guo Z, Gao L, Dong Y, Moallemi E, Eker S, Yang J, Li X, Obersteiner M & Bryan B. (2022). A review of model-based scenario analysis of poverty for informing sustainability. Environmental Science & Policy 137:336-348.

Moallemi EA, Hosseini SH, Eker S, Gao L, Bertone E, Szetey K, Taylor N, & Bryan BA. (2022). Eight Archetypes of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Synergies and Trade-Offs Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002873..

Moallemi EA, Eker S, Gao L, Hadjikakou M, Liu Q, Kwakkel J, Reed P, Obersteiner M, Guo Z, Bryan B. (2022). Early systems change necessary for catalyzing long-term sustainability in a post-2030 agenda One Earth.

Moallemi EA, Gao L, Eker S, Bryan BA. (2022). Diversifying models for analysing global change scenarios and sustainability pathways. Global Sustainability 5, e7,1-17.

Moallemi EA, Bertone E, Eker S, Gao L, Szetey K, Taylor N, & Bryan BA. (2021). A review of systems modelling for local sustainability. Environmental Research Letters 16, 11.

Goll DS, Ciais P, Amann T, Buermann T, Chang J, Eker S, Hartmann J, et al. Potential CO2 removal from enhanced weathering by ecosystem responses to powdered rock. Nature Geoscience (2021).

Eker S, Garcia D, van Ruijven B, Valin H. (2021). Using social media audience data to analyse the drivers of low-carbon diets. Environmental Research Letters 16, 7.

Eker S. (2021) Drivers of photovoltaic uncertainty. Nature Climate Change 11, 184–185.

Kwenda PR, Lagerwall G, Eker S , & van Ruijven B (2021). A mini-review on household solid waste management systems in low-income developing countries: A case study of urban Harare City, Zimbabwe. Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, e0734242X2199164.

Eker S. (2020). Validity and usefulness of COVID-19 models. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, 54.

Eker S, & Ilmola-Sheppard L. (2020). Systems Thinking to Understand National Well-Being from a Human Capital Perspective. Sustainability 12 (5): 1931.

Eker S, Reese G, Obersteiner M (2019). Modelling the drivers of a widespread shift to sustainable diets. Nature Sustainability 2: 725-735. Editorial - Commentary

Eker S, Rovenskaya E, Langan S , & Obersteiner M (2019). Model validation: A bibliometric analysis of the literature. Environmental Modelling & Software 117: 43-54.

Eker S, Rovenskaya E, Obersteiner M, Langan S (2018). Practice and perspectives in the validation of resource management models. Nature Communications. 9 (1): e5359. Commentary

Eker S, Kwakkel J (2018). Including robustness considerations in the search phase of Many-Objective Robust Decision Making. Environmental Modelling and Software 105: 201-216.

Eker S, Zimmermann N, Carnohan S, Davies M (2017). Participatory system dynamics modelling for housing, energy and wellbeing interactions. Building Research & Information 46 (7):738-754.

Eker S, van Daalen E, Thissen W (2017). Incorporating stakeholder perspectives into model-based scenarios: Exploring the futures of the Dutch gas sector. Futures 93: 27-43.

Eker S, Zimmermann N (2016). Using Textual Data in System Dynamics Model Conceptualization. Systems 4 (3):28.

Eker S, van Daalen E (2015). A model-based analysis of biomethane production in the Netherlands and the effectiveness of the subsidization policy under uncertainty. Energy Policy 82:178-196.

Eker S, Slinger J, van Daalen E, Yücel G (2014). Sensitivity analysis of graphical functions. System Dynamics Review 30 (3):186-205.

Eker S, van Daalen E (2013). Investigating the effects of uncertainties in the upstream gas sector. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 4 (2):99-139.